yo donaría - I would donate, yo he donado - I have donated, hagamos una diferencia - let's make a difference, construiría casas - I would build houses, han hecho una diferencia - they have made a difference , construyamos casas - let's build houses, alimentaríamos a la gente sin hogar - we would feed the homeless, hemos embellecido los parques - we have beautified the parks, embellezcamos los parques - let's beautify the parks, han juntado fondos - they have raised money, juntarían fondos - they would raise money, haríamos algo - we would do something, cuidaría de los niños - I would babysit, he despertado conciencia - I have raised awareness, participemos en un proyecto - let's participate in a project,

Gramática y Vocabulario: El voluntariado



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