1) Max likes to sing and dance. He is interested in... a) arts b) language c) fashion 2) Sarah likes fancy stuffs and clothes. She love... a) technology b) fashion c) sports 3) Ronaldo is really good at playing basketball. He is good at... a) sports b) arts c) languages 4) Oscar can paint and draw very well. He like... a) arts b) sports c) music 5) Dana speaks French, Mandarin and English. She is interested in... a) drama b) language c) book club 6) Our science club went to the national Junior Robotics Competition last month. Who joined the competition? a) Our science club b) National Junior Robotics c) Me 7) The National Junior Robotics Competition took place at the science museum in Boston. Where is the location? a) Science Museum, Boston b) National c) New York. 8) Lisa is my sister. She is very happy today because yesterday, she bought her first car! Who bought the first car? a) Lisa b) Mommy c) Me 9) Some types of wolves live together in a large group called a pack. In the pack, there is an alpha male and alpha female. What is the wolves group called? a) Alpha male b) Alpha female c) Pack 10) The Craft Fair looks more interesting than the Card Store. Which place is less interesting? a) The Craft Fair b) The Card Store c) The Craft Store 11) When I was a kid, I wanted to be a basketball player. Michael Jordan was in his prime at that time, and I enjoyed watching him lead the Chicago Bulls to numerous championships. Who led Chicago Bulls to many championships? a) Me b) Michael Jordan c) My son 12) Left brained people are logical and practical. They are good at analyzing details. Right-brained people are creative and imaginative. They are good at activities like painting and acting. What is right brained people good at? a) Playing Chess b) Joining Drama Class c) Joining Math Club 13) Hi. My name is Nick. I am writing an e-mail to my best friend Kevin. I met him at the shopping centre last summer and we became friends. We had good time together. Where did they met each others? a) Shopping centre b) Last summer c) Kevin's house 14) Two years ago, we started a new family tradition. We have family night every Thursday night. We all make time to be together. Last week, we played a board game. I lost, but it was fun. When was the first time they started family night? a) Last week b) Every Thursday night c) Two years ago 15) My aunt _________ from college two years ago. a) graduated b) moved c) went 16) When Celia's little brother _______ , she was five years old. a) got married b) graduated c) was born 17) I ______ in Singapore when it was Covid-19. a) stayed b) bought c) started 18) The right person is _____ than the left person. a) fatter b) taller c) skinnier 19) Which word are NOT the parts of activities? a) act b) build robots c) graduated d) was born e) do martial arts 20) Which word are NOT the parts of life events? a) design a poster b) writing product review c) was born d) got married e) moved house 21) _ _ience a) sc b) sh c) s 22) cra_ _ fair a) ft b) ve c) if 23) s _ _ ce a) pa b) epa c) ap 24) re _ _ ew a) fi b) vy c) vi 25) pri _ e a) s b) c



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