1) What keeps on going and never stops? a) Space b) life c) death 2) Who is the strongest man alive? a) Neil Armstrong b) Albert Einstien c) George Washington 3) How come the kid could not watch the pirate movie? a) It was rated arr b) It was not for kids c) They could not see vilonce movies 4) How come the captains crew can not play the game of cards? a) The captain was standing on the Deck b) They didnt know how to c) they died before they opened the pack of cards 5) What is racecar spelled backwards? a) racecar b) carrace c) I do not know 6) What is tacocat spelled backwards? a) tacocat b) cattaco c) I dont know 7) What falls but Never breaks a) a leaf b) night c) shoes 8) what building has the most stories a) My apartment b) libary c) the Pentagon 9) What negative number is the smallest a) -1 b) -10,002,100 c) 10 10) what is the smartest dinosaur a) troodon b) t.rex c) velociraptor 11) What is the dinosaur in Jurrasic World:Fallen Kingdom and what dinosaurs are they made from? a) indoraptor=Indominus rex+velociraptor b) Indominus rex=T.rex+velociraptor c) i dont know 12) what is the most poular game a) minecraft b) among us c) fortnite 13) what has holes but can still hold water a) sponge b) spagetie c) i dont know

Riddles part 2


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