AIDS - Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, aq - water (aqua), ASA - aspirin, BID, b.i.d. - twice a day (bis in die), BIN, b.i.n. - twice a night, BP - blood pressure, CBC - complete blood (cell) count, COLD - chronic obstructive lung disease, CONT - contrast, COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, CPR - cardiopulmonary resuscitacion, C-section - cesarean section, CT - computed tomography (CAT Scan), CVA - cerebral vascular accident, CVS - cardiovascular system, C/W - consistent with, CXR - chest x-ray, DC - discharge, D & C - dilation and curettage, DOB - date of birth, DT - delirium tremens; duration of tetanus, D/T - due to, Dx - diagnostic, EKG - electrocardiogram, ENT - ear, nose, throat, ER - emergency room, Fx - fracture, FHT - fetal heart tone, GI - gastrointestinal, HIV - human immunodeficiency virus, IUD - intrauterine device, IV - intravenous, LOL - little old lady, MI - myocardial infarction, MRI - magnetic resonance imagining, NKA - no known allergies, NKDA - no known drug allergies, OB - obstetrics, OB-GYN - obstetrics and gynecology, OR - operating room, OT - occupational theraphy, Pap - Pap smear, stain or test, PID - pelvic inflammatory disease, po - by mouth, PP - after meals, PT - physical therapy, pt - patient, PE - physical examination, qd - every day (quaque die), qid - four times a day (quarter in die), q.l. - as much as desired (quantum libet), RLQ - right lower quadrant, Rx - prescription, SOB - shortness of breath, STD - sexually transmitted disease, TB - tuberculosis, tid - three times a day, U/A - urianalysis, URI - upper respiratory infection, UVJ - uretero vesical junction, VD - venereal disease, VO - verbal order, WBC - white blood cells, wt - weight, X Cover - cross covering or covering for another clinician, Bx - Biopsy, Ex - Exam, Fhx - Family History, Hx - History, Mhx - Medical History, Sx - Symptoms, Surgery, Tx - Treatment, EEG - Electroencephalogram, PET - Positron Emission Tomography, BW - bloodwork, h - hour, d - day, mo - month, wk - week, yr - year, q - every, B4 - before, 7K - sick, W/C - rest room, W8 - wait, L8 - late, ht - height, CP - chest pain, F/U - follow up, VS - vital signs,
Medical Abbreviations
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