CBC - Evaluated hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, and RBC counts to detect the presence of anemia. Identifies WBC level, which if elevated, may indicate infection. Also platelet count, to assess clotting ability, Blood Typing - Determines woman's blood type and Rh status to rule out any blood incompatibility issue early. Rh negative mother would likely receive RhoGAM (at 28 weeks gestation) and again within 72 hours after childbirth if Rh sensitive, Rubella Titer - Detects antibodies for the virus that causes German measles. If titer is 1:8 or less, the woman is not immune, and requires immunization after birth. Woman is advised to avoid people with undiagnosed rashes, Hepatitis B - Determines if the mother has hepatitis B by detecting the presence of hepatitis antibody surface antigen (HbsAg) in her blood, HIV Testing - Detects HIV antibodies and if positive, requires more specific testing, counseling, and treatment during pregnancy with antiretroviral medications to prevent transmission to fetus, STI Screening - Includes Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) or Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) serologic tests or by cervical smears, cultures, or visual identification of suspicious lesions to detect STIs such as syphilis, herpes, HPV, gonorrhea, so that treatment can begin to prevent transmission to fetus, Cervical Smears - Detects abnormalities such as cervical cancer (pap test) or infections and STIs, Agglutination Inhibition Tests - Uses a urine specimen to detect if hCG is present in the urine. If agglutination does not occur if there is hCG in the urine, which is positive for pregnancy. Reliable 14-21 days after conception with 95% accuracy. Examples include Pregnosticon and Gravindex, Immunoradiometric Assay - Uses a blood serum specimen to measure the ability of a blood sample to inhibit binding of radiolabeled hCG to receptors. Reliable 6-8 days after conception, with 99% accuracy. Examples include Neocept and Pregnosis, Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay - Uses a blood serum or urine specimen by using an enzyme to bond with hCG in the urine if present. Reliable 4 days after implantation, 99% accurate. Examples are OTC tests, Home/office Pregnancy Tests, Precise,
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