archipelago - A chain of islands, daimyo - Powerful landowning nobles in Japan who were loyal to the shogun, devshirme system - System that required Christian communities to give their sons to the Ottoman government., empire - A group of once separate areas ruled by a single person or government, feudalism - System of power in which land owned by a powerful person is divided up and given to others in exchange for work and protection., jannisary - A soldier who was taken from his family at a young age and trained to fight for the sultan of the Ottoman Empire, millet - Self-governing non-Muslim communities in the Ottoman Empire; had the power to regulate their own communities, shogun - Military leader in Japan who had absolute power, society - An organized group of people who have something in common (ex. religion, culture, location, politics, nationality, purpose, etc), interconnectedness - The state of having connections or relationships with other people,

Unit 1 - Vocabulary Assembly Line


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