1) opposite of block a) unblock b) subway c) premix d) illegal 2) not born a) overact b) premix c) unborn d) rewind 3) to take the chain off a) unchain b) transmit c) subway d) rewash 4) opposite of load a) unload b) recall c) unchain d) imperfect 5) opposite of lock a) premix b) resell c) overact d) unlock 6) to call again a) recall b) relearn c) interact d) premix 7) to learn again a) relearn b) overact c) illegal d) rewind 8) to sell again a) unborn b) unload c) imperfect d) resell 9) to wash again a) premix b) rewash c) resell d) incorrect 10) to wind again a) rewind b) resell c) supersize d) unborn 11) not perfect a) relearn b) overact c) unblock d) imperfect 12) not direct a) relearn b) transmit c) preplan d) indirect 13) not correct a) interact b) subway c) incorrect d) unchain 14) not legal a) relearn b) overheat c) illegal d) supersize 15) to act too much a) overact b) unchain c) indirect d) unlock 16) to heat too much a) overheat b) resell c) indirect d) incorrect 17) a train that goes underground a) unborn b) recall c) subway d) overheat 18) to stir before a) unblock b) unload c) premix d) relearn 19) to think ahead of time a) recall b) rewind c) preplan d) illegal 20) big size a) relearn b) resell c) supersize d) interact 21) to act with someone a) overact b) relearn c) interact d) resell 22) to send a signal a) transmit b) indirect c) overheat d) premix

Spelling Definitions Quiz #6


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