Rush - get to the nearest closet when he comes, Ambush - just like rush but he comes back multiple times, Seek - you better run away from him in a chase, Figure - he is blind but comes out at doors 50 and 100, Timothy - this little fellow jump-scares you when you open a drawer, Halt - walk away from him he got two blue glowing eyes, Jack - in one of the closets and its a jumpscare, Guiding Lights - he helps you and he glows, Window / Sally - in one of the windows of the hotel, Screech - look at him and he is floating, Shadow - he is a rare spoted monster and its dark, Hide - GET OUT GET OUT, Eyes - dont look at him or you die, Glitch - takes you back with your freinds, Dupe - pick the right door or if you pick the wrong doors he oofs you, Snare - don't step on him (Doors 90-99), El Goblino - a mexican goblin, Jeff - he wants to go to collage so tip him, Bob - just a skeleton with a base ball cap, Void - he replaced glitch, A-60, A-90, A-120 - in the rooms by nicorocks5555, Curious Light - just like guiding light but is yellow, Bald Kreek - this man bald as mr clean (Kreek's Stream), TrollFace - trolololololo (Kreek's Stream),
Guess The Roblox Doors Monsters (DOORS UPDATE!) By MikeyPlays
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