1) what does the furu -e- deen mean? a) roots of religion b) the branches of religion c) our beliefs d) the actions we do based on our beliefs e) all of the above f) both b and d 2) which option best lists the furu -e - deen ? a) hajj, zakat, sawm (fasting) b) hajj, tawheed, jihad c) salaat, Imamat, qiyamat 3) what does Najasat mean? a) something that is pure b) something that is ritually impure c) something that is dirty 4) what are the things that are Najis? a) chickens, rain, sand, rotten egg b) urine/stool, blood, kafir, dead animals, dogs, c) sweat, dirt, garbage, birds, horses 5) what does Mutahhirat mean ? a) it can make tahir things najis b) it can make haraam things wajib c) it can make najis things tahir 6) how many things are Mutahhirat, and which have been listed in the book? a) there are 6 mutahhirat, and they are water, earth, and dirt b) there are 4 mutahhirat, and they are water, earth, fire, and air c) there are 2 mutahhirat, water and earth d) there are 12 mutahhirat, and some are water, earth, sun, Islam, tabaiyyah, ghaybat al Muslim 7) what are the 2 types of water and which water can be used to make najis things tahir? a) mutlaq and mudaf, mutlaq can make najis things tahir b) mutlaq and mumin, mumin can make najis things tahir c) mudaf and qalil, mudaf can make najis things tahir 8) how much is a Kur ? a) 1L = 1000 mL b) 384 L or 5 bathtubs c) 100 L = 100000 mL 9) what does tabaiyyah mean? a) it means when you tell people to not do bad deeds b) when a tahir thing becomes najis because it touches najasat c) when a najis thing becomes tahir as a result of another thing becoming tahir d) when grapes are used to make wine, then the wine is made into vinegar e) all of the above f) both c and d 10) when is wudu wajib? a) before namaaz, before tawaf for hajj, before going to sleep b) before namaaz, before tawaf for hajj, touching the writings in the quran and the names of Allah c) before namaaz, before entering a masjid, before reading quran, before fasting 11) what are the mustahab actions of wudu? a) washing hands, gargling 3 times, taking water into the nostrils 3 times. b) washing your hands, niyyah, wahsing your face c) washing your hands, gargling 3 times, taking water into the nostrils 2 times 12) what are some things that make wudu batil? a) going to the toilet and sleeping b) going to the toilet and passing gas c) going to the toilet and becoming unconscious d) all of the above e) both a and b 13) Sarah wants to do wudu in the bathroom and she has rings on, what does she need to remember while performing wudu? a) she needs to make sure she doesn't use up too much water b) she has to remove her rings, and perform wudu in tartib but not muwalat c) she needs to remove her rings and perform wudu in tartib and muwalat d) she can just perform wudu as long as she uses enough water
Grade 4-Fiqh-1.1-3.1
4th Grade
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