le rasoir - the razor, se raser - to shave, le savon - the soap, se laver - to wash, la brosse à dents - the toothbrush, se brosser les dents - to brush one's teeth, la serviette - the towel, s'essuyer - to wipe dry, les ciseaux - the scissors, se couper les ongles - to cut one's nails, le shampooing - the shampoo, se laver les cheveux - to wash one's hair, le séchoir - the hair dryer, se sécher les cheveux - to dry one's hair, le peigne - the comb, se peigner - to comb, le rouge à lèvres - the lipstick, se maquiller - to put on makeup, l'eye- liner - the eyeliner, la glace - the wall mirror,

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