1) Which of these was NOT a cause of the Roman Republic collapse? a) Spread of slavery b) Gladiators killed off the middle class c) Civil war over power of Julius Caesar d) Devaluation of Roman currency (inflation) e) Unemployment due to farmers moving to cities 2) During the fall of the Republic, which of these was NOT true? a) To poor felt loyal to the generals & not the government b) The generals fought one another for power c) The aqueducts were collapsing, causing famine d) Julius Caesar was a beloved general e) Caesar made himself Dictator, ending the Republic 3) After the Republic fell, which of these marked the start of the Roman Empire? a) Due to civil wars, an Imperial Regime took over b) Caesar's son Octavian brought back rule & order c) Octavian was known as Augustus, 1st Emperor of Rome d) All of these are correct e) Octavian/Augustus Caesar took over & ruled for 41 years 4) What mountain range separates the Italian peninsula from Europe? a) Alps b) Apiennes c) Hindu Kush d) Blue Ridge 5) Who built the originial settlement at Rome? a) Latins b) Greeks c) Etruscans d) Romans 6) A wealthy landowner who Wealthy landowners who held most of the power a) Patrician b) Plebeian c) Consul d) Senator 7) Common farmers, artisans, and merchants who made up the majority of the population a) Patrician b) Plebeian c) Consul d) Senator 8) Who were the lawmakers of the Roman Republic, who served for life a) Patricans b) Plebeians c) Consul d) Senators 9) Consuls could be chosen to serve as this during times of crisis a) Senator b) Emperor c) Dictator d) President 10) There were elected by the Plebeians to protect their interests? a) Senators b) Tribunes c) Dictators d) Consuls 11) There were the first written laws of Rome, posted in the Forum. a) 12 Tables b) 12 Laws c) Justinian's Code d) Hammurabi's Code 12) Who had veto power in the Roman Republic? a) Tribunes b) Senators c) Consuls d) President 13) Triumvirate means what? a) Rule by 3 b) Caesar is great c) Rome is the best d) Triumphant return 14) Who made up the 1st Triumvirate? a) Pompey, Casear, Crassius b) Casear, Octavian, Anthony c) Pompey, Casear, Constatine d) Casear, Constatine, Caligula 

Roman Republic


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