1) What Is a CPU a) Central Pen Units b) Cent People Users c) Central Processing Unit 2) What is Binary code a) A code of 1 and 0 that computers use b) a code for your local bank c) a code to flirt with d) a code that your pc uses impute stuff I on screen 3) How does 21 look in binary Code a) 11010 b) 11111 c) 10101 d) 10010001111011 4) What is a Bit a) A small amount of something b) A small amount of data c) A small animal d) a small PC part  5) What is the Operating System? a) Makes The PC Input code  b) Manges How cool your PC is c) Manges how the software uses software  d) Manges how the software uses hardware 6) What Is a Type Of Software a) Speakers b) Apps c) Websites d) Saturn 7) What Is a Type Of Hardware  a) Earphones b) Microwave  c) Your Mom d) Chips 8) How many wires are needed to store numbers from 0 to over 4 billion in the binary system? a) 32 b) 120 c) 2004 d) 55 9) text, images, and sound can also be represented by binary numbers. a) False b) True 10) Why are smaller computers faster? a) Because Small People rule(stop lying to yourself) b) Smaller things run at high FPS c) The election it closer together d) uhh umm uhh i- i- your mother 11) How fast does electricity move a) Please Type It in American(i wish) b) 20 kilometers per second c) 25,000 kilometers per second d) 300,000 kilometers per second 12) How many calculations per second can modern circuits perform a) 200 Q in 1 sec b) 10 Q 1 sec c) 500 Q 10 sec d) What the heck is a Q  13) What is a computer a) M i c r o w a v e b) My desk c) Again Your Mother d) Something that can input stuff 14) Is a Geforce 1660 TI a good Graphic card a) Yes. b) No. c) I hate you. d) Maybe.

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