Level 5 Bridging - Cheng’s spoken English is so good that as she gives examples, engages in debates, and expresses her point of view, some mistake her for a “native” speaker. Her reading and writing skills are excellent across multiple genres. However, she occasionally has to ask for or look up the meanings of unknown words, and she sometimes misuses words and writes awkward-sounding sentences in her class papers on academic topics., Level 1 Entering - Daniel recently arrived in the United States. He can say a few words (hello, goodbye, thank you), name some simple objects, follow simple one-step directions, and answer some simple WH (who, what, when, where, which) questions, but struggles to understand most of what is said to him in English., Level 2 Beginning - Maria can follow simple two-step oral directions and is able to understand some of what she hears, especially when teachers or other speakers use simple language structures and slow down their rate of speech. She is able to ask and answer some simple WH questions, especially those that require only one- or two-word answers., Level 4 Expanding - Miguel easily discusses stories, issues, and concepts with his peers and teachers on a wide variety of topics. He is usually comfortable giving oral reports; however, he lacks some specialized content-area vocabulary and has some difficulty comprehending sentences with complex structure, especially when reading., Level 3 Developing - Rathana can follow multi-step oral directions and is able to use long phrases and short sentences. In general, she is able to get others to understand what she is saying when she describes processes and procedures or retells stories and events, despite a number of grammatical errors. She sometimes lacks the precise words to explain what she means, and sometimes struggles to fully understand what someone is saying to her or what she is reading.,
WIDA English Language Proficiency Levels (ELP)
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