come (v) - to move to or towards a person or place, work (v) - to do something that involves physical or mental effort, usually as part of a job, earn (v) - to get money for work that you do, go to the gym (v) - doing physical activities in a place or club where you can use equipment, play snooker (v) - a game that players use sticks to hit a white ball against other balls, study (v) - the activity of learning from books or by examining things in the world, walk the dog (v) - take your pet to exercise outside the house, engineer (n) - a person whose job involves designing and building engines, machines, roads, bridges, etc, oil rig (n) - a large structure with equipment for getting oil from under the ground or under the sea, coast (n) - the land next to or near to the sea or ocean, holiday (n) - a period of time when you are not at work or school, some people travel during this time, free time (n) - time when you do not have to work, study, etc. and can do what you want, zoologist (n) - professionals that study animals and their behaviour, snake (n) - a reptile with a very long thin body and no legs, desert (n) - a large area of land that has very little water and very few plants growing on it, song (n) - a short piece of music with words that you sing,
Headway Elementary - PI 1 - Unit 2 verbs and nouns
Headway Elementary
English grammar
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