departures board - something, that shows your flight numbers, flight numbers - BA735, destination - where the flight are going to, check-in/ the check-in desk - someone will check your ticket there, weigh - see how heavy something is, pay excess baggage - pay extra for your luggage, aircraft - plane, boarding card - a piece of paper you must show to get on the plane, passport control - where someone checks your passport6, check the passport - looks at your passport carefully, duty-free - shops, whose goods are exempt from the payment of certain local or national taxes and duties, take-off - when the plane takes off / leaves the ground, gate - the area where passengers board to the aircraft, board the plane - get on the plane, overhead locker - a locker situated above someone's seat for storing luggage, etc., fasten the seatbelt - putting your seatbelt on and specifically, connecting the buckle., delay - hen you have to wait longer than expected, runway - the large road that planes use for take-offs and landings, to land - arrive on the ground, announcement - spoken information to a group of people, cabin crew - the people on the aircraft who look after the passengers, terminal building - the airport building, baggage reclaim - the place where you collect your luggage, go through customs - go through the area where your luggage may be checked to make sure you don’t checked to make sure you don’t have anything illegal, departure - when you leave a place, at the start of a journey, landings - to (cause to) arrive on the ground or other surface after moving down through the air:, arrival - when someone or something arrives,
Air travel Vocab. in use Pre-Intermediate Unit 47
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