Computer Engineering - Develop software for managing an air traffic control tower or invent a new hand-held device., Chemical - Develop softer or fire-resistant clothes, cosmetics, or safer foods and medicines., Agriculture & Biosystems - Develop plant-based medicines, biodegradable packaging, and redevelop areas impacted by mining., Aerospace - Develop space telescopes, commercial airliners, and military helicopters., Civil - Oversee the construction of buildings, highways, and bridges., Biomedical - Develop lenses to restore sight, radiation treatments to fight cancer, and incubators for babies., Petroleum - Discover gas and oil resources and research new environmentally responsible technologies to extract gas and oil., Nuclear - Work on nuclear reactors used to generate power for large cities or develop machines to image and destroy cancer cells., Mechanical - Create products which involve the mechanical process. They work with nearly every other type of engineer., Environmental - Involved in recycling and finding ways to clean up oceans, purifying water and air., Manufacturing - Plan, design, make and modify the manufacturing process of medicine, food, and oil. Take raw materials and transform them into a finished product., Electrical - Might install the wires for computer networks and be involved with the power grids for cities.,
Matching--Types of Engineers
8th Grade
Vocational / Technical
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