catalogue, commercial break, mailshot, poster, slogan, convince - to make somebody/yourself believe that something is true, commerce - the buying and selling of goods and services, otherwise - used to state what the result would be if something did not happen or if the situation were different, recognition - the act of remembering who somebody is when you see them, or of identifying what something is, loyalty - the quality of being constant in your support of somebody/something, persuade somebody to do something - to make somebody do something by giving them good reasons for doing it, burst - a short period of a particular activity, engage - to succeed in attracting and keeping somebody’s attention and interest, valuable - very useful or important, consumer - a person who buys goods or uses services, spur - to encourage somebody to do something, encourage somebody to do something - to persuade somebody to do something by making it easier for them and making them believe it is a good thing to do, crucial - extremely important, estimate - to form an idea of the cost, size, value etc. of something, but without calculating it exactly, remain - to continue to be something, vital - necessary or essential in order for something to succeed or exist, unique - being the only one of its kind, refund - a sum of money that is paid back to you, possibility - a thing that may happen or be true, opportunity - chance, sufficient - enough for a particular purpose; as much as you need, peculiar - belonging or relating to one particular place, situation, person, etc., and not to others,
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