1) ּפָּרו a) they were fruitful b) crushing c) and they put d) cement 2) ּוַיִשְׁרְצו a) our enemies b) and they were strong c) cement d) and they increased like bugs  3) ּוַיִּרְבּו a) new b) and we will add to c) they were fruitful d) and they were many 4) ּוַיַּעַצְמו a) and they were strong b) and he got up c) or else he will become many d) they were fruitful 5) וַתִּמָּלֵא a) and she (it) was filled b) and they were strong c) crushing d) Let us be smart 6) וַיָּקָם a) houses b) and he got up c) and we will add to d) or else he will become many 7) ׁחָדָש a) new b) and they increased like bugs  c) our enemies d) Let us be smart 8) הָבָה נִתְחַכְּמָה a) and they were many b) Let us be smart c) and they were strong d) tax officers 9) פֶּן יִרְבֶּה a) bricks b) and she (it) was filled c) our enemies d) or else he will become many 10) וְנוֹסַף a) new b) crushing c) midwives d) and we will add to 11) ּשׂוֹנְאֵינו a) our enemies b) new c) and they were many d) tortured 12) ּוַיָּשִׂימו a) and they put b) bricks c) and they were strong d) supply cities 13) שָׂרֵי מִיסִים a) tax officers b) new c) or else he will become many d) and they increased like bugs  14) עָרֵי מִסְכְּנוֹת a) supply cities b) houses c) and they put d) cement 15) ענה a) tax officers b) and they were many c) tortured d) and they put 16) פָּרֶךְ a) our enemies b) tax officers c) and they were many d) crushing 17) חוֹמֶר a) cement b) and they were strong c) supply cities d) crushing 18) לְבֵנִים a) our enemies b) crushing c) or else he will become many d) bricks 19) מְיָלְדוֹת a) bricks b) houses c) our enemies d) midwives 20) בָּתִים a) and we will add to b) houses c) Let us be smart d) midwives

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