Descansar - to rest, Hacer ejercicios - to exercise, Moverse el cuerpo - to move your body, Practicar yoga - to practice yoga, Mantenerse en forma - to stay in shape, Meditar - to meditate, Respirar - to breathe, Reír - to laugh, Sonreír - to smile, Reducir el estrés - to reduce stress, Relajarse - to relax, Comer comida chatarra - to eat junk food, Hacer cosas divertidas - to do fun things, Disfrutar/Gozar - to enjoy, Divertirse - to have fun, Evitar el uso de - to avoid the use of, Tener buenos hábitos - to have good habits, feliz - happy, triste - sad, enojado - mad, energizado - energized, emocionado - excited, tranquilo - calm, cansado - tired, nervioso - nervous, ansioso - anxious, confundido - confused, enfermo - sick, deprimido - depressed, distraido - distracted,

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