despertarse (e --> ie) - to wake up, levantarse - to get up, estirarse - to stretch, acostarse (o-->ue) - to go to bed; to lay down, quedarse dormido/a - to fall asleep, madrugar - to get up early, trasnochar - to stay up late, ponerse la ropa - to put on clothes, vestirse (e-->i) - to get dressed, hacer la cama - to make the bed, bañarse con jabón - to bathe/shower with soap, cepillarse el pelo con un cepillo - to brush your hair with a brush, peinarse el pelo con un peine - to comb your hair with a comb, lavarse el pelo con champú - to wash your hair with shampoo, lavarse la cara - to wash your face, lavarse los dientes con pasta de dientes - to brush your teeth with toothpaste, mirarse en el espejo - to look in the mirror, desayunar - to eat breakfast, almorzar (o-->ue) - to eat lunch, cenar - to eat dinner, ir a la escuela - to go to school, subir al camión / al bus - to get on the bus, tomar el camión / el bus - to take the bus, asistir a las clases - to attend classes, regresar a casa - to go back home, escuchar música - to listen to music, ver la televisión (la tele) - to watch TV, tocar un instrumento - to play an instrument, reunirse con amigos (u-->ú) - to meet up with friends, lavar la ropa - to wash clothes,
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