Call me asap - as soon as possible , I’m on the way, BTW should I bring anything? - by the way, Sorry, just grabbing a coffee – BRB! - Be right back , OMG I can’t believe that happened! - Oh my God, The traffic’s delayed me, IDK what time I’ll get there! - I don't know, I’ve got to run, TTYL. - Talk to you later, That’s so funny, LOL! - Laugh out loud, I’ve just left, OMW now! - on my way , LMK if you need anything from the grocery store. - Let me know, NVM about grabbing the chips, I found some at home! - Never mind, I’m doing great, hbu? - How about you? , Where are you rn? - right now, I’m home atm, what’s up? - at the moment, You can just pick it up later, np - no problem , You’re a lifesaver, thank you sm - so much,

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