Branch - A division or part of a larger system or organization, often with its own specific responsibilities or functions., Commit a crime - To do something against the law; to perform an illegal act., Enforce - To make sure that rules, laws, or agreements are followed; to implement or carry out., Interpret - To explain the meaning of something; to understand or explain the significance or implications of something., Pardon - To officially forgive someone for a crime and release them from punishment or penalty., Veto - The right or power of one person or group to reject a decision or proposal made by another person or group., Action - Something that is done; an act or deed., Carry out - To fulfill or complete a task or action; to execute or perform., Checks and balances - A system in which different branches of government have the power to limit or control the actions of other branches in order to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful., Congress - The national legislative body of a country, typically comprising two houses (such as the Senate and the House of Representatives in the United States)., Constitution - A set of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is governed., Divide - To separate or split into parts; to cause to be separate or different., Executive branch - The branch of government responsible for enforcing laws and carrying out the day-to-day operations of governance., Federal - Relating to a system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and individual states or regions., Founding Fathers - The individuals who played key roles in establishing a nation's government or political system, typically referring to the early leaders of the United States., Hear a case - To listen to arguments and evidence presented in a legal proceeding, typically by a court or other judicial body., Judicial branch - The branch of government responsible for interpreting laws and administering justice through the court system., Justice - Fairness or righteousness in the treatment of individuals; the principle of moral rightness., Legislative branch - The branch of government responsible for making laws, typically consisting of a representative body such as a parliament or congress., Nominate - To formally propose someone for a position or role, such as a political office or an award., Power - The ability or capacity to do something or act in a particular way; authority or control., System - A set of interconnected or interdependent elements organized to achieve a common goal or purpose., Challenge - To question or dispute the validity or correctness of something; to confront difficulties or obstacles., Debate - A formal discussion or argument on a particular topic, often with opposing viewpoints presented and defended.,

Gov't & Law, Lesson 5 Checks and Balances Vocabulary



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