cd - Change folder , dir - List files and folders, md - Make folder, rmdir - Remove folder, Ipconfig - Displays network interface configurations, ping - Test reachability of network, hostname - View the name of the device, netstat - Displays active network connections, nslookup - Lookup information from DNS servers, chkdsk - Scans a disk to recover corrupted files, net user - View and manage user account, net use - Map a network share drive to a drive letter, tracert - Determines the route a packet takes, format - Erases a disk file applying a file system, xcopy - Replicates files and directories, copy - Used to replicate files from one folder to another, robocopy - Tool that maintains attributes, permissions, and directory structures during the replication process, gpupdate - Updates the latest group policy setting, gpresult - Shows what group policy is being applied to computer, shutdown - Sends a signal to turn off system, sfc - Used to repair system files, [command name] /? - Finds a manual of how to use the command, diskpart - Utility that allows users to manage and interact with disk storage devices,, pathping - Finds status of network and the packet mapping, winver - Shows what version of Windows is being used,
Windows Commands Comptia A+ 1102
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