1) When the morning wind blew, where did the spider egg land? a) beach b) fencepost 2) The horse asked the spider to a) go for a ride b) watch a movie 3) The cow asked the spider to a) eat pizza b) eat grass 4) The sheep asked the spider to a) run in the street b) run in the meadow 5) The goat asked the spider to a) blow bubbles b) jump on rocks 6) The pig asked the spider to a) roll in mud b) go down a slide 7) The dog asked the spider to a) eat a banana b) chase the cat 8) The cat asked the spider to a) take a bath b) take a nap 9) The duck asked the spider to a) swim b) ride a roller coaster 10) The rooster asked the spider to a) catch a ball b) catch a fly 11) The Owl told the spider he built a beautiful web, but the spider had a) fallen asleep b) was singing a song

The Very Busy Spider


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