Unoccupied Play - The child isn't playing yet — just watching or standing in one spot and sometimes making random movements., Solitary (Independent) Play - The child plays alone - this type of play is important because it teaches a child how to keep himself entertained, Onlooker Play - The child simply observes other children playing and doesn't partake in the action., Parallel Play - Children playing side by side (not together) in their own little world., Associative Play - Children playing separately from one another, they are involved with what the others are doing —think children building a city with blocks. As they build, they are talking to one another and engaging each other., Cooperative Play - This play is where all the stages come together and children truly start playing together., Dramatic/Fantasy Play - When your child who loves to play dress-up, doctor, or restaurant, Competitive Play - Rules and turn-taking, and functioning as part of a team are the big lessons taken from this type of play., Constructive Play - Includes building with blocks, making a road for toy cars, or constructing a fort out of couch pillows., Symbolic Play - This type of play can be vocal (singing, jokes, rhymes), graphic arts (drawing, coloring), counting, or making music.,
Play Types
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