abstinence - abstinencia, STD (sexually transmitted disease) - ITS (infeccao sexualmente transmissivel), ectopic pregnancy - gravidez ectopica, miscarriage - aborto espontaneo, gall bladder - visicula biliar, epidural anesthesia - anestesia peridural, breech birth - parto pelvico, can't keep anything down - nao consegue manter nada no estomago, cystitis - cistite, urethritis - uretrite, epiglote - epiglottis, hernia de hiato - hernia hiatal, indigestao - indegestion, incontinencia - incontinence, azia - heartburn, pancreas - pancreas, ictericia - jaundice, a sua prostata esta aumentada - your prostate is enlarged, MRI - imagens por ressonancia magnetica, electroencephalogram (EEG) - eletroencefalograma, aphasia - afasia, transient ischemic attack (TIA) / Stroke - ataque isquemico transitorio (AIT) / derrame, whiplash - lesao do chicote, seizure - convulsao, migraine - enxaqueca, cerebral spinal fluid - liquido cefalorraquidiano, measles - sarampo, pertussis - coqueluche, meconium - meconio, did you ever have chicken pox or mumps? - voce ja teve catapora ou caxumba?, muscle strain - distencao muscular, low back pain - dor lombar, pinched nerve - nervo comprimido, congestive heart failure - insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva, bypass surgery - cirurgia de ponte de safena, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) - ressuscitacao cardiopulmonar, heart attack - ataque cardiaco, shortness of breath - falta de ar, do you experience post-nasal drip? - voce sente gotejamento pos-nasal?, angioplasty - angioplastia, catheterization - cateterismo, traqueia - trachea, chiado - wheezing, respirar com dificuldade - labored breathing*, mal estar - malaise, sensacao de aperto - squeezing sensation*, SIDA - AIDS, dor ao urinar - pain while urinating, tuberculose e uma doenca contagiosa - tuberculosis is a contagious disease, seios nasais - sinuses, bronquite - bronchitis, calf - panturrilha / batata da perna, ball of foot - bola do pe , shoulder blade - escapula / omoplata, gland - glandula, over the counter medication - medicamento sem prescricao medica / de venda livre, what brings on the pain? - o que causa a dor?, osteoarthritis - osteoartrite, rheumatoid arthritis - artrite reumatoide, carpal tunnel syndrome - sindrome do tunel carpal, tornozelo - ankle, juntas - joints, polegar - thumb, fratura exposta - compound fracture, escarro - sputum, gota - gout, dor lombar - lower back pain,
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