Start it (the test). - Empiézalo., Put. - Pon., Tell me. - Dime., Practice. - Practica., Give us, - Danos., Open. - Abre., Close. - Cierra., Fill it (the tank) - Llénalo., Take them (the pictures) - Sácalas., Take them (the notebooks) - Sácalos., Come. - Ven., Leave. - Sal., Do it (the work).  - Hazlo., Have. - Ten., Be good. - Sé bueno., See it (the program).  - Velo., Go. - Ve. , Sit down. - Siéntate., Write it (the message). - Escríbelo., Write it (the perscription). - Escríbela., Turn it off (the laptop). - Apágalo., Turn it off (the printer). - Apágala., Have fun. - Diviértete., Return. - Vuelve., Read it (the chapter).  - Léelo., Stand up. - Levántate., Erase. - Borra., Start it (the car). - Arráncalo., Make it (dinner). - Hazla., Save them (the documents). - Guárdalos.,

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