1) Improve my presence on-site 2) Stop complaining about things I can't control 3) Hold myself accountable for one goal 4) Act on specific feedback I received 5) Listen to understand instead of listening to respond 6) Lead by example by admitting when I don’t know something 7) Identify where I can be more adaptable in my role 8) Step outside my comfort zone and take on a new project or responsibility 9) Use my Predictive Index report to focus on developing my strengths 10) Find a mentor to guide my leadership journey 11) Take time to reflect on a challenging situation before reacting 12) Embrace conflict to lead by addressing disagreements directly and finding common ground 13) Make a bold move by proposing a new initiative that can benefit my team or MANA 14) Set clear expectations for my team by having 1:1 conversations and aligning on deliverables 15) Bring energy to inspire others by celebrating small wins and showing enthusiasm in team meetings 16) Provide meaningful feedback by focusing on constructive insights during performance reviews 17) Be more empathetic by actively listening to my team's concerns and offering support when needed 18) Recognize someone in my team 19) Request a Predictive Index relationship guide to enhance a relationship 20) Spend more time with someone in my team 21) Help a direct report take ownership of a task or project 22) Reach out to someone cross-functionally to collaborate on a project 23) Hold someone accountable by following up on a commitment 24) Encourage a peer to step into a leadership role 25) Motivate someone by acknowledging their contribution in a team meeting 26) Delegate a task I would normally take on 27) Ask for feedback from someone I trust on how I manage the team 28) Create a space for my team to share their ideas openly 29) Encourage a team member to push beyond their comfort zone 30) Help resolve a conflict by listening and offering support 31) Spend more time understanding the challenges faced by a direct report 32) Help a colleague feel valued by acknowledging their hard work 33) Adapt my feedback style to suit the needs of someone on my team 34) Help someone set a personal or professional goal and check in regularly 35) Recognize a support team member for their contribution 36) Reach out to someone cross-functionally to learn about their role 37) Promote MANA's values by living them in daily interactions 38) Seek out ways to make my team more diverse and inclusive 39) Ensure my team's goals align with MANA’s mission 40) Build stronger relationships with cross-functional teams 41) Ask someone to share their expertise on a challenge I’m facing 42) Be more proactive in cross-departmental communications 43) Participate more actively in company events such as workshops and team-building activities 44) Reach out to someone to learn more about the business  45) Recognize someone for helping achieve a key project goal 46) Push my team to raise the bar on performance by challenging them 47) Set a higher standard for my team and myself in a project 48) Encourage my team to go above expectations on a challenging project 49) Look for ways to be more innovative in problem-solving   50) Hold myself accountable for delivering results by setting measurable milestones

MANA - Leadership Development Goals


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