Ícono - A person or thing regarded as a representative symbol of something, often in popular culture., Diario - Referring to a personal record of events, thoughts, and feelings kept daily or regularly., Poliomielitis - A viral disease that can affect the nervous system, leading to paralysis., Rehabilitación - The process of restoring someone to good health or normal life through training and therapy after illness or injury., Turbulenta - Characterized by conflict, disorder, or confusion; not stable or calm., Autorretratos - Self-portraits; artworks created by an artist depicting themselves., Naturalezas muertas - Still life; a genre of artwork that depicts inanimate objects, often arranged in a specific way., Surrealista - A style of art that seeks to channel the unconscious and create dream-like imagery., Folklore - The traditional beliefs, customs, and stories of a community, passed through the generations, Abalorios - Beads; decorative objects often used in jewelry or as embellishments in art., Tabúes - Social or cultural prohibitions against certain practices or discussions., Estereotipos - Oversimplified and widely held beliefs or ideas about a particular group or thing., Embolia - A blockage in a blood vessel caused by a clot or other obstruction., Embajadora - An ambassador; a person who represents or promotes a particular cause or group., Feminismo - The advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes., Dolores - Physical sensation of discomfort or suffering, Espejo - Reflective surface, typically made of glass coated with a metal amalgam, that reflects a clear image of objects placed in front of it., Pesadilla - disturbing or frightening dream, often leaving the person feeling anxious or unsettled upon waking.,




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