(Ruby V2.5 fighting Victim) Ruby V2.5: "Had enough?" Victim: "Not. Even. Close." Ruby ____.____: "I'll take that as a ____." Ruby: THAT WAS ____ I want to do that!" Ruby V2.5: "Do you have powers?" Ruby: "No." Ruby V2.5: "Then you ____." Ruby: ____." Pencil: "Lightning, why would you think that I've been ____ to you all this time?" Lightning: "Because you're older?" Pencil: "Exactly." Lightning: "Really? Then, why would you think that Ruby is crying right now?" Pencil: "Because she keeps on making mistakes!" Lightning: "No, because you and Match yell at her." Match: "Don't talk to Pencil like that!" Ruby: Lightning's right. You guys keep on yelling at me. Pencil: "Who asked you?" Ruby: "Myself." Match: "That doesn't count you know." Ruby: "Me and Lightning can leave the alliance you know." ____: "You don't want that do you?" ____: "No." ____: "Then, stop yelling at us!" ____: "Fine!" Ruby: "What is wrong with you?" Pencil: "____." Barf Bag: "You know Ruby's right you know!" Pencil: " No one asked you Barf Bag!" ____ Bag: "I'm just saying!" Ruby: "She's not lying." Pencil: Where's proof?" Ruby: "Actually, where's Lightning?" Lightning: "Leave me alone!" Ruby: "Why?" Lightning: Whose voice is that?" Ruby: "Ruby's. Why?" Lightning: "Oh, Ruby. Don't let me talk to Pencil because she yelled me too much!" Ruby: "Is that good enough for you?" Pencil: "Yep." Taco: "How about don't talk to him anymore." Pencil and Ruby: "Okay." ____: "Barf Bag! Hey Barf Bag!" Barf Bag: " What do you want Taco? I'm hanging out with my friend." Taco: "Who's your friend?" Barf Bag: "What does it look like?" Taco: ____ Barf Bag: "Yep." Taco: "Could you hang out with me please?" Barf Bag: "Fine. ____ ____." ____ V2.5: "Want to ... stop?" Victim: "I want to ____ you." (turns into Pillow V2.5) ____ V2.5: "You can't do that when you're tired." Victim: "You got me ____." Pillow V2.5: "Seems like you had enough. Say goodbye." Victim: "Goodbye." ____ ____.5 ____ Victim) Cake: (In an Mario accent) "Hello!" Pin: "You're not ____ Cake." Cake: "I'm not, but he is." Mario: "It's ____ me, Mario!" Pin: (In a Mario accent) "Hello!" Cake: "You're not Mario." Pin: "Seriously?" Cake: "Yep." Pin: "I'm not doing this." Cake: "Yes you are. ____ both are." Pin: ____.____ (A couple of hours later) Pin: "How long have we been doing this?" Cake: "I ____ ____. Want to ____ Pin: ____." Cake: "Okay."

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