coward - very afraid, boundary - line that means the limit, foundation - the lowest part of a building, announce - make a public statement, boycott - stop going somewhere as a protest, voyage - a long journey, exploit - use someone unfairly, poison - substance that can cause illness or death, toil - to work really hard at something for a long time, decoy - something used to trick people, scrounge - to borrow without planning on giving it back, moist - slightly wet, choice - option, boil - heating a liquid until it starts bubbling, ouch - what people say when they get hurt, scout - a person sent to get information, allow - to give permission to do something, sour - having a tart taste, browser - a computer program that locates information, outline - a line that forms the outer boundary of an object, corduroy - a soft material that has ridges, annoyance - something that is bothering you, trapezoid - a shape with four sides; two are parallel and two are not,
Savvas Unit 2 Week 2
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