prime - a number with only two factors, one and itself, factors - numbers multiplied together to calculate a product, composite - number with more than 2 factors, multiples - product of a given whole number and any other whole number, 0 and 1 - numbers that are NEITHER prime nor composite, product - answer to a multiplication problem, quotient - answer to a division problem, dividend - number that is being divided or split up, remainder - amount left over after a dividend has been divided into equal groups, divisor - amount of groups or how many in each group for a division problem, digit - Any of the symbols 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 used to write numbers, divide - To split a whole into equal parts or groups., multiplication - repeated addition, division - repeated subtraction, area model - a model used to calculate the area of an object by multiplying each factor by place value,

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