a desert - a large area of land where it is always very dry, there are few plants, and there is a lot of sand or rocks, a waterfall - a place where water from a river or stream falls down over a cliff or rock, a mountain - a very high hill, a cliff - A high, steep rock, usually at the edge of the sea., a hill - an area of land that is higher than the land around it, like a mountain but smaller, a forest - a large area of land that is covered with trees → wood, a valley - a low area of land between hills or mountains., a river - A large, natural stream of fresh water flowing into the sea, lake or other river., a coastline - where the land meets the sea., a beach - an area of sand or pebbles that reaches the sea or a lake., a sea - a body of saltwater, which is part of an ocean., an ocean - the largest body of saltwater., a city - a large place with lots of people and buildings., a town - a place that is smaller than a city but larger than a village., a village - a small group of houses in the countryside. A place that is smaller and less busy than a town., a volcano - a mountain with a large hole at the top, through which lava (=very hot liquid rock) sometimes goes out, an island - a piece of land completely surrounded by water,
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