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219 results for 'teenagers'
Icebreaker Questions | Teenagers 05
Open the box
50 Funny dares for teenagers and kids
Spin the wheel
Talking about life - teenagers
Spin the wheel
This or That?
Group sort
Talking about the past
Spin the wheel
This or That?
True or false
AEF 2B Grammar - Adjectives
Labelled diagram
Icebreaker Questions | Teenagers / SKILL
Open the box
Let's talk about you
Spin the wheel
Past simple of 'be'
Questions about you - 'be' practice
Spin the wheel
Singular and Plural Nouns
Group sort
AEF1 2C Vocabulary - Feelings
Labelled diagram
business idioms
Spin the wheel
Spin the wheel
Basic Conversation Starters
Spin the wheel
Prepare 3: A2 KEY questions - Speaking
Flip tiles
Let's talk about the future?
Speaking cards
AEF1 U5A - Verb Phrases
Labelled diagram
There is / There are
AEF1 U2B - Can you name...?
Spin the wheel
Airport and air travel quiz
Win or lose quiz
Where are they from?
Labelled diagram
AEF1 U2B Opposite adjectives
Matching pairs
Smart Questions 2 - B2/C1/C2
Spin the wheel
Conditionals Conversation Questions
Speaking cards
Let's talk about houses?
Open the box
Time Zones 1 - Unit 9 - Present Continuous - vocabulary
True or false
Would you rather... intermediate +
Spin the wheel
Speaking: Simple Past or Present Perfect?
Spin the wheel
Comparatives and Superlatives
Spin the wheel
Personal Best B1+ Unit 5C - Predictions
Speaking cards
Personal Best B1 - Unit 11 - Articles
Gameshow quiz
Personal Best B1 - Checkpoint 2
Spin the wheel
Time Zones 1 - Unit 12 - Simple past x simple present?
True or false
Would you like to be a meme? - debate
Complete the sentence
Favorite things
Dreams and imagination
Speaking cards
There is /There are
A or An?
Balloon pop
Vocabulary: Family
Matching pairs
Abilities - Can/Can't
Open the box
Complete the sentences - kids
Spin the wheel
Conversation questions about music
Open the box