24. What Motivates You? , 25. What Makes You Happy? , 26. What Are You Good At? , 27. How Do You Deal With Boredom? , 28. Do You Like Being Alone? , 29. How Full Is Your Glass? , 30. Do You Have a Hard Time Making Decisions? , 31. How Much Self-Control Do You Have? , 32. Are You a Patient Person? , 33. How Well Do Rewards and Incentives Work to Motivate You? , 34. How Productive and Organized Are You? , 35. Under What Conditions Do You Do Your Best Work? , 36. How Do You Express Yourself Creatively? , 37. Do You Hold Grudges? , 38. How Good Are You at Judging Your Own Talents? , 39. How Emotionally Intelligent Are You? , 40. Do You Take More Risks When You Are Around Your Friends? , 41. Are You a Procrastinator? , 42. What Role Does Envy Play in Your Life? , 43. How Much of a Daredevil Are You? , 44. Are You a Perfectionist? , 45. How Impulsive Are You? , 46. Are You a Novelty-Seeker? , 47. What Annoys You? , 48. Do You Apologize Too Much? , 49. What Animal Are You Most Like? , 50. How Materialistic Are You? , 51. How Easy — or Hard — Is It for You to Say No When You Want To? , 52. Are You a Hoarder or a Minimalist? , 53. Are You an Introvert or an Extrovert? , 54. Are You Popular, Quirky or Conformist? , 55. How Good Is Your Sense of Direction? , 56. How Competitive Are You? , 57. What Assumptions Do People Make About You? , 58. Are You More of a Leader or a Follower?,


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