
A2 cefr

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2,937 results for 'a2 cefr'

Common Verbs
Common Verbs Match up
in /into /out /out of
in /into /out /out of Complete the sentence
Imperatives Match up
Present perfect + / - / ?
Present perfect + / - / ? Unjumble
QuASI questions
QuASI questions Complete the sentence
Possessive adjectives
Possessive adjectives Quiz
Past Simple irregular & regular verbs NEF Ele 5C
Past Simple irregular & regular verbs NEF Ele 5C Labelled diagram
First Conditional practise
First Conditional practise Quiz
Prepositions of place
Prepositions of place Labelled diagram
Some/any Quiz
Past simple regular verbs ~ed pronunciation
Past simple regular verbs ~ed pronunciation Group sort
HDW - E2 - Past Simple - Irregular verbs
HDW - E2 - Past Simple - Irregular verbs Match up
Prepositions of movement doggy
Prepositions of movement doggy Labelled diagram
Passive voice - present or past?
Passive voice - present or past? Complete the sentence
Present continuous or present simple?
Present continuous or present simple? Complete the sentence
Some/any/a/an - countable/uncountable with food and containers
Some/any/a/an - countable/uncountable with food and containers Quiz
JUST, ALREADY, YET Complete the sentence
Comparative and superlative adjectives
Comparative and superlative adjectives Quiz
USED TO jumbled sentences
USED TO jumbled sentences Unjumble
Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of frequency Unjumble
Past simple / continuous NEF Pre Int 2B a
Past simple / continuous NEF Pre Int 2B a Unjumble
Adjectives of personality 1 (NEF Pre Int 1B)
Adjectives of personality 1 (NEF Pre Int 1B) Match up
How often do you...?
How often do you...? Speaking cards
Ten common irregular verbs NEF 5C
Ten common irregular verbs NEF 5C Match up
Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of frequency Labelled diagram
Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of frequency Unjumble
How much...?  How many...?
How much...? How many...? Group sort
Possessive adjective practice
Possessive adjective practice Quiz
Past simple holiday questions (from NEF Pre Int 2a)
Past simple holiday questions (from NEF Pre Int 2a) Unjumble
Adjectives of personality 1 (NEF Pre Int 1B)
Adjectives of personality 1 (NEF Pre Int 1B) Complete the sentence
Present continuous - Bad Neighbours!
Present continuous - Bad Neighbours! Labelled diagram
Too / enough
Too / enough Quiz
Prepositions of movement
Prepositions of movement Labelled diagram
Possessive Pronouns
Possessive Pronouns Labelled diagram
Questions - IS  /   ARE  /  DO  / DOES
Questions - IS / ARE / DO / DOES Complete the sentence
Prepositions of movement
Prepositions of movement Complete the sentence
Phrasal Verbs NEF Pre Int 8C
Phrasal Verbs NEF Pre Int 8C Complete the sentence
Should  / shouldn't
Should / shouldn't Quiz
Past Simple Irregular Verbs
Past Simple Irregular Verbs Find the match
Past simple jumbled sentences
Past simple jumbled sentences Unjumble
Past simple questions NEF Ele 5C
Past simple questions NEF Ele 5C Unjumble
Second conditional jumbled sentences
Second conditional jumbled sentences Unjumble
Going to - future plans and predictions
Going to - future plans and predictions Quiz
Going to -  future plans
Going to - future plans Unjumble
WARMER QUESTIONS A1+/A2 Spin the wheel
Picture Questions A2
Picture Questions A2 Open the box
Halloween (A1-A2) vocabulary
Halloween (A1-A2) vocabulary Match up
Past simple / continuous NEF Pre Int 2B b
Past simple / continuous NEF Pre Int 2B b Unjumble
Will / Shall - dialogue match up
Will / Shall - dialogue match up Match up
Past simple or continuous? Nav Pre Int 3.2
Past simple or continuous? Nav Pre Int 3.2 Complete the sentence
Present Simple : + / - / ?
Present Simple : + / - / ? Quiz
Stuck in a lift! Past simple or continuous? Nav Pre-Int 3.2
Stuck in a lift! Past simple or continuous? Nav Pre-Int 3.2 Complete the sentence
Past continuous / past simple - jumbled sentences
Past continuous / past simple - jumbled sentences Unjumble
Irregular Verbs Past Simple #2
Irregular Verbs Past Simple #2 Find the match
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