
Year 7 Computing

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10,000+ results for 'y7 computing'

Year 7 Spreadsheets DNA
Year 7 Spreadsheets DNA Quiz
Staying safe online
Staying safe online Quiz
Input, Output and Storage devices
Input, Output and Storage devices Group sort
Computer Systems
Computer Systems Quiz
Input, Output or Both?
Input, Output or Both? Quiz
Las asignaturas
Las asignaturas Labelled diagram
L'heure Group sort
Units of Storage
Units of Storage Matching pairs
Vacances Match up
Matching time
Matching time Match up
Haustiere Group sort
Clothing Find the match
Je fais OU je joue?
Je fais OU je joue? Group sort
Circulatory system (early)
Circulatory system (early) Labelled diagram
simple hour.
simple hour. Match up
Secure Passwords
Secure Passwords Group sort
Who works...?
Who works...? Quiz
Find the costumes
Find the costumes Wordsearch
Find body parts
Find body parts Wordsearch
Pets Hangman
Proffesions Matching pairs
Find pets
Find pets Matching pairs
What is this?
What is this? Anagram
Under the sea
Under the sea Image quiz
What can you tell me about..?
What can you tell me about..? Spin the wheel
What is this?
What is this? Hangman
Spooky quiz
Spooky quiz Quiz
Toy pairs
Toy pairs Matching pairs
Images - Vector vs Bitmap
Images - Vector vs Bitmap Group sort
La Ropa
La Ropa Match up
Thanksgiving vocabulary
Thanksgiving vocabulary Matching pairs
Elements of the house
Elements of the house Hangman
Weather Match up
Dynamo 1 Module 1 Unit 1
Dynamo 1 Module 1 Unit 1 Find the match
The verb 'aller'
The verb 'aller' Whack-a-mole
Mi dormitorio
Mi dormitorio Complete the sentence
Italian days of the week
Italian days of the week Match up
Au café match up
Au café match up Match up
Hair and Eyes
Hair and Eyes Find the match
Au café
Au café Match up
Conditional tense phrases
Conditional tense phrases Anagram
Asignaturas - Adjetivos y opiniones
Asignaturas - Adjetivos y opiniones Group sort
For/since Group sort
Clothes: Одежда 5
Clothes: Одежда 5 Labelled diagram
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment Group sort
Qué tal los profes?
Qué tal los profes? Match up
Means of land transport
Means of land transport Anagram
Easter vocabulary
Easter vocabulary Flip tiles
pH Scale
pH Scale Airplane
Is it a banana?
Is it a banana? True or false
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