6-й класс Grade 6 aфанасьева михеева
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Participle I / Participle II
Complete the sentence
Possessive adjectives and pronouns
Complete the sentence
Exclamatory sentences Unit 9
Complete the sentence
Complex object ex. Use "to" where necessary
Speaking cards
Match up
Continuous Tenses
Labelled diagram
its or it's
Complete the sentence
1 Conditionals. Use the correct form of the verb.
Open the box
Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous
Speaking cards
Vocabulary Unit 4
Match up
Lesson 1 vocabulary
Match up
The Passive Voice
Spotlight 6 - Unit 3a
Match up
Present Perfect Continuous
Spin the wheel
Vocabulary Unit 2
Words with phrases Unit 9
Match up
Words Unit 14
Speaking cards
Words Unit 14_1_collocations
Speaking cards
Words Unit 8
Find the match
Complete the sentences using such or so
Complete the sentence
Words Unit 14_2_ collocation
Match up
Words Unit 9
Pronouns (possessive, reflexive)
Complete the sentence
If-clause 1 Conditional
Open the box
Irregular verbs 2
Watch and memorize
comparative, superlative adjectives
Complete the sentence
Use "So" or "Neither"
Speaking cards
Irregular verbs 3
Watch and memorize
irregular verbs 1
Watch and memorize
Present Perfect Make a question
Open the box
Spt 6 Food containers
Match up
Spt 6 module 9a Food and Drink
Find the match
Adjectives -ed / -ing
Complete the sentence
Horizonte 6, L. 4 Körperteile
Match up
Horizonte 6, L. 4 Die Kleidung
Match up
Spotlight 6 - Module 3c
Match up
Prepositions of place Starlight 6
Find the match
Чередование гласных в корне
True or false
Verb patterns
Speaking cards
Match up
2 урок 二 VS 两
Complete the sentence
И-Ы после Ц
Group sort
Srarlight 6 verbs + Gerund -ing
star 6 2c
Match up
Murphy-17 (make-see)