6-й класс Past Simple Past Continuous
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10,000+ results for '6 класс past simple past continuous'
Past simple
Complete the sentence
Irregular verbs
-ED окончание Past simple
Group sort
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple
Speaking cards
Собери предложение
Past Simple - Name a past form of each verb
Flash cards
To be (Present and Past Simple)
Gameshow quiz
Past Simple Questions
past simple markers *3*
Flip tiles
Past Simple verbs
Flash cards
past simple markers *3*
Match up
Wider World 3 Unit 2 the past simple / history
Speaking cards
Present/Past/Future Simple маркери часу
Group sort
Past Continuous
Past simple Собери вопрос и ответь
Present Perfect / Past Simple
Complete the sentence
past simple or past continuous
Go Getter (4) 2.3 MUST/HAVE TO/CAN (+past tense)
Speaking cards
Present Perfect vs Past Simple Markers
Group sort
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple
Complete the sentence
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Complete the sentence
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Group sort
Find the Present Simple markers
Ex 1 p 76
Complete the sentence
Present Simple - Present Continuous Questions
Speaking cards
Irregular verbs
Open the box
Spotlight 6 - Unit 3a
Match up
Own it! 1 Family members (1)
Labelled diagram
Безударные личные окончания глаголов
Group sort
Spt 6 Food containers
Match up
Horizonte 6, L. 4 Die Kleidung
Match up
Horizonte 6, L. 4 Körperteile
Match up
Verb patterns
Speaking cards
Spt 6 School rules Chores (module 8)
Match up
spotlight 6 (Festive time)
Match up
Спряжение глаголов. Безударные окончания
True or false
Prepositions of place Starlight 6
Find the match
Irregular verbs in Past Simple - Part 2
Разряды прилагательных
Group sort