English / ESL C1 advanced
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'english c1 advanced'
Expressions with get. English file
Speaking cards
English File Advanced 1B Work
Speaking cards
EF Advanced (4th) 6B Conditionals - speaking
Speaking cards
Winter Holidays Conversation Questions [B1-C2]
Spin the wheel
EF Advanced 1A Personality
Complete the sentence
Solutions Advanced Unit 3a Feelings
Match up
Roadmap C1_Skills speaking_7C
Open the box
* Discourse markers: linkers EF
Open the box
Oxford Word Skills Advanced Unit 15
Spin the wheel
Sounds 1. English file advanced 4A
Speaking cards
Speaking CAE Part 1 (Getting to know other people)
Spin the wheel
Phrasal verb "get". English file Advanced 3A
Speaking cards
Continue the story with a linker. English File 1B
Speaking cards
30 C1/C2 Inversion exercises (negative adverbials and conditionals)
Complete the sentence
Idioms with Get (EF Advanced)
Match up
* Negative prefixes (EF Adv 7A)
Group sort
Match up
Discourse markers (Unit 1)
Speaking cards
Questions about sounds. EF advanced 4A
Speaking cards
Prefixes (Advanced English File)
Match up
object pronouns
Complete the sentence
Questions (Part 1) CAE
Spin the wheel
Similes EF Advanced (presentation).
Complete the sentence
Travel and tourism (adjectives) EF Advanced - find the match
Find the match
Personality: adjectives + idioms
Speaking cards
Advanced reflexive
Match up
Perfect Infinitive and -ing form
Spin the wheel
Success and Failure
Open the box
Teamwork Vocabulary
Flip tiles
Speaking after unit 1
Spin the wheel
Habits C1
Speaking cards
Expressions with Get. Speaking practice (dinner parties)
Spin the wheel
Personality Idioms Advanced
Open the box
Idioms with Get (EF Advanced)
Match up
Linkages: Contrast (although, however, despite)
Speaking cards
* Cleft sentences (EF Advanced)
Flash cards
Participle Clauses
Complete the sentence
Idioms about money
Match up
Life advanced 1c
Match up
Synonyms - Feelings-Advanced
Matching pairs
C1/C2 The Passive voice
Complete the sentence
Matching 1 (C1/C2 lexical)
Match up
English File advanced Work
Match up
English learning experiences
Speaking cards
Recall a synonym phrase with "get"
Speaking cards
Phrasal verbs English file advanced 2A
Speaking cards
Car anatomy
Labelled diagram
CAE (C1 Advanced) Speaking Part 1
Open the box
Speaking: studies, work
Speaking cards