English / ESL Teens adults
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'english teens adults'
Fear adults
Speaking cards
Name 3 things
Speaking cards
Would you rather? for kids
Spin the wheel
I need some advice
Speaking cards
5B Communicative Do you ...?
Speaking cards
El 1C vocab
Labelled diagram
Have you ever (films, TV & books)
Spin the wheel
Interview Teens/Adults
Open the box
8C Prepositions
Labelled diagram
My Speak, talk, tell, say
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Open the box
Defining or non-defining relative clause
Flash cards
1A Gr Speaking
Speaking cards
Bg 6B Gr practice
5B Speaking Do you ... ?
Speaking cards
Discover English 1 Unit 2 Furniture
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Bg 2A Vocab 1
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Discover English 1 Unit 6 Clothes
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Discover English 1 Unit 3 Animals
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Discover Starter Unit 4 Pets
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To be - short answers
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Adverbs of manner
Spin the wheel
Go getter 4 2.1
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1C Classroom language
Matching pairs
2A vocab
Spin the wheel
Speaking practice (adults and teens)
Spin the wheel
Spin the wheel
Discover English 1 Unit 4 Routines
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After school activities
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Let's talk about Christmas - Adults - Pre-Intermediate
Spin the wheel
1A numbers
Speaking cards
8B Vocabulary
PE2 money
Matching pairs
5B communicative
Speaking cards
10A Vocab
Open the box
passive voice all forms
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7-8 communicative
Speaking cards
EF El PE 4 Directions
Matching pairs
12B Gr continuous for future
Group sort
PET/B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 1
Spin the wheel
A2/KET Speaking part 1 - Sampe Questions
Open the box
3A speaking Why...? Because...
Spin the wheel
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Communication
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Communication
Spin the wheel
Present Simple and Present Continuous questions
Spin the wheel
WW2 Unit 3.3. Adults and teens
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NEF can/can't p173 TB
Speaking cards
Past Simple Wh-questions Elementary
Spin the wheel
Christmas guessing game for teenagers
Open the box
Household appliances
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