Дорослі Present Continuous
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Roadmap A2+ Present Continuous for future arrangements.
Speaking cards
Present Simple vs Present Continuous speaking
Speaking cards
Present Continuous 1
What are you doing?
Make up a sentence Present Perfect
Speaking cards
Present Simple
True or false
Mixed Tenses
He / She is wearing .....
Find the match
Present cont_capibara
Flash cards
pr. cont. City life
Present Simple/ Present Continuous
Complete the sentence
Clothes & Appearance. A2
Speaking cards
Present Simple or Continuous
Flash cards
2-В I'm wearing...
Present Simple vs Present Continuous ERROR CORRECTION
Speaking cards
Present Simple I/you/we/they Negative
Speaking cards
Present Simple Questions
Present Simple / Continuous
3 form Present Continuous
Complete the sentence
What are they doing?
Present Continuous Tense.
Flash cards
Present Continuous (Quick Minds 2 vocab)
Open the box
Present Simple/present continuous
Flash cards
Present Simple VS Continuous
Group sort
Present Simple / Present Continuous
Flash cards
I'm wearing... Read and match
Match up
Показники часів
Spin the wheel
Roadmap B1 Unit 2c Vocab
Match up
Conversation starter Roadmap Unit 1-5 A2
Open the box
Roadmap A2 Put 2-3 questions about the topic
Speaking cards
Narrative tenses - questions
Speaking cards
Техніки формувального оцінювання
Flip tiles
Christmas and New Year_ discussion
Open the box
Roadmap A2 plus Unit 1A, Make up a question
Speaking cards
Conversation starter Roadmap B1 Life maps
Speaking cards
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Find the match
Present Continuous
Present Perfect Verbs (pre-intermediate level) Memory Cards
Matching pairs
Present Simple vs Present Continuous (Speaking)
Speaking cards
Roadmap B1+ (2A. Present Simple and Continuous)
Spin the wheel
English File Pre-interm, Units 1-4
Speaking cards
Noun phrases. Roadmap B1+
Speaking cards
Business Expressions 3
Match up
Conversation starter Successful people
Speaking cards
Business Idioms 2. Discussion
Spin the wheel
Roadmap B2 unit 2A vocab
Match up
Roadmap B1+ Conversation starter Unit 1B Place to live
Speaking cards
Business Expressions 1
Match up
Wohnung. Möbel
Group sort