
Grammar A1

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10,000+ results for 'grammar a1'

Whose/ Possessive's
Whose/ Possessive's Flash cards
 Present Simple/Continuous; Past Simple
Present Simple/Continuous; Past Simple Group sort
Have to Solutions Elementary
Have to Solutions Elementary Speaking cards
Turn into Present, Past, Future Passive
Turn into Present, Past, Future Passive Speaking cards
Enflish File. Elementary. Unit 5C. Speaking. Present Simple/ Continuous
Enflish File. Elementary. Unit 5C. Speaking. Present Simple/ Continuous Speaking cards
Irregular verbs. Practice. Part 1
Irregular verbs. Practice. Part 1 Speaking cards
Have/Has got - Speaking cards
Have/Has got - Speaking cards Speaking cards
Irregular verbs_Prepare_part 2
Irregular verbs_Prepare_part 2 Spin the wheel
Pronouncing the Past Tense -ed Ending
Pronouncing the Past Tense -ed Ending Group sort
Comparative and Superlative form
Comparative and Superlative form Complete the sentence
Present Perfect vs Past Simple
Present Perfect vs Past Simple Flash cards
Reported Speech
Reported Speech Quiz
Test B2
Test B2 Quiz
There was/ There were
There was/ There were Quiz
was/were/wasn't/weren't Quiz
Być Complete the sentence
RM A1. 1A-1C countries & nationalities
RM A1. 1A-1C countries & nationalities Hangman
Prepositions of time
Prepositions of time Group sort
And, but, or,
And, but, or, Quiz
Providing that / as long as / unless
Providing that / as long as / unless Quiz
Present Continuous
Present Continuous Unjumble
Unit 5. Lessons 6-7: Past simple (regular verbs) (Smiling Sam 3)
Unit 5. Lessons 6-7: Past simple (regular verbs) (Smiling Sam 3) Quiz
Past Simple Negative
Past Simple Negative Flash cards
Requests and permission
Requests and permission Open the box
Futures Will / Present Simple / Present Continuous / be going to
Futures Will / Present Simple / Present Continuous / be going to Quiz
Test B1!
Test B1! Quiz
Jobs A1
Jobs A1 Speaking cards
Warm-up for A1 learners
Warm-up for A1 learners Spin the wheel
Wetter Find the match
RM A1. 1A countries
RM A1. 1A countries Quiz
Gold experience A1. Jobs
Gold experience A1. Jobs Flash cards
Sprechen A1
Sprechen A1 Speaking cards
Present Continuous (labelled)
Present Continuous (labelled) Labelled diagram
Present Continuous (positive, negative or question)
Present Continuous (positive, negative or question) Speaking cards
Past Simple or Present Perfect
Past Simple or Present Perfect Quiz
Prepare 5 NUS unit 7 Present Simple
Prepare 5 NUS unit 7 Present Simple Airplane
to be questions order
to be questions order Unjumble
to be questions and answers_2
to be questions and answers_2 Quiz
Roadmap A1 (3A. My town)
Roadmap A1 (3A. My town) Match up
Roadmap 1B Jobs
Roadmap 1B Jobs Flash cards
Lebende Sätze
Lebende Sätze Unjumble
Lokale Präpositionen: Dativ. Lektion 13. Menschen A1.2
Lokale Präpositionen: Dativ. Lektion 13. Menschen A1.2 Speaking cards
Imperativ. Lektion 20. Menschen A1
Imperativ. Lektion 20. Menschen A1 Speaking cards
Solutions elementary/ Unit 1/ Family
Solutions elementary/ Unit 1/ Family Match up
Roadmap A1 (Unit 1a)
Roadmap A1 (Unit 1a) Flash cards
Roadmap A1 (revision units 7-10)
Roadmap A1 (revision units 7-10) Open the box
FF 2/ Unit 6/ Words
FF 2/ Unit 6/ Words Quiz
Roadmap A1 (3A+B+C vocab)
Roadmap A1 (3A+B+C vocab) Flash cards
Speakout A1 Unit 1B Jobs
Speakout A1 Unit 1B Jobs Match up
Sprechen: müssen/dürfen
Sprechen: müssen/dürfen Open the box
There is/are
There is/are Speaking cards
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