PreK Mathematics Addition
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'prek math addition'
Addition Up to 5
Flip tiles
Shape Wheel
Spin the wheel
Numeral & Quantity
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How many frogs?
Speaking cards
one-to-one correspondence
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2D to 3D Shape Match / Emparejar formas de 2D y 3D
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Word Problems - +/-
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Color Monster
Spin the wheel
Monkey match
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Spin the Direction!
Spin the wheel
Doubles Addition Flashcards
Flash cards
Doubles Addition Memory
Matching pairs
Addition Facts Within 20 (Part 1)
Math Addition and Subtraction Review
Making Ten Addition
Balloon pop
ESL 1.2.a Numbers 1-20 Flying Fruit
Flying fruit
Addition up to 5
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addition up to 20
Match up
Addition up to 10
Match up
Math Facts Addition to 20
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basic addition facts
Speaking cards
Addition Facts
Speaking cards
Touch Math Addition
Open the box
Math Addition Facts
Open the box
Addition within 20
Balloon pop
Addition Fact Fluency Practice
Gameshow quiz
Spin the Addition 2
Spin the wheel
Fast Math Addition
Gameshow quiz
Math: Repeated Addition Match
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Box Game: Math Addition and Subtraction
Open the box
Number Word&Quantity
Balloon pop
Butterfly Addition Equations
Open the box
How many to make 5?
Math Review
addition and subtraction within 20
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Addition and Subtraction Facts
Maze chase
2 digit addition
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Match the Array by Columns
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Spin the wheel
Airplane Addition!
Eureka math 2 digit addition and subtraction
Speaking cards
Addition Facts
Balloon Pop Addition to 20
Balloon pop
Addition up to 10
Gameshow quiz
3 Digit Addition without Regrouping
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2 Digit Addition (WITH regrouping) Spin the Wheel
Spin the wheel
Counting & Number Identification
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