Elementary speaking
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Speaking (elementary)
Elementary Speaking
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Elementary Speaking Cards
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Gold experience A1. Jobs
Tarjetas flash
Speaking elementary
Cartas al azar
Speaking elementary
Cartas al azar
Get to know each other (elementary)
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speaking (elementary)
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Future tenses
Cartas al azar
Debate - Discussion Cards
Cartas al azar
Getting to know | speaking cards
Cartas al azar
Giving advice_ should/shouldn't
Cartas al azar
WORK | Speaking
Cartas al azar
Speaking _ Instagram
Cartas al azar
Speaking | business
Cartas al azar
Speaking | Influence
Cartas al azar
Present Simple\ speaking
Cartas al azar
Sleep (Speaking)
Cartas al azar
Appearance | speaking
Cartas al azar
Cartas al azar
Speaking: 3 things - must/should (elementary)
Cartas al azar
Have/Has got - Speaking cards
Cartas al azar
Gerund Infinitive speaking
Speaking for Elementary
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Speaking for kids
Cartas al azar
English File Elementary 5A Can (communicative)
Cartas al azar
controversial speaking 2
Cartas al azar
Routine A1
Ice Breaker Questions For Kids
Speaking (Beginners)
Character Collocations
Une las parejas
Internet | speaking
Speaking about TV series, films and programs
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Let's talk! (Speaking)
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Agree-Disagree (speaking)
Food- Speaking questions
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Christmas speaking cards
To be (questions 2 )
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CLOTHES - speaking
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Speaking: Christmas
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Travelling | speaking
Speaking: Relationships
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Friendship and family Questions
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Speaking questions (adults)
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Speaking 1 (beginner)
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Questions: Present Perfect ans Past Simple
Tarjetas flash
Travel and tourism Questions
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Describe pictures |speaking
Warm-up Speaking 2
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Conversation Questions Home
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Speaking: Food
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Daily routine speaking
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Speaking questions (to know each other)
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Speaking time
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Appearance |speaking
First and Second Conditionals Questions
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Irregular Verbs (p.57 + canva slide 7)
Tarjetas flash