Rubbish bins should be banned in school., Children should do 30 minutes of physical activity every day., English is more important than maths. , A pool is more fun than the beach., Children should choose their own bed time., Weekends should be 3 days long., Children should do 30 minutes of volunteer work at school., Australia is the most fascinating country., Birthday parties are a waste of time., Every child should learn a new language., Christmas should be banned., Every child should be in a sports club., Homework is unnecessary., Summer is more fun than winter., School uniform should be banned., School canteen should only sell healthy food., Screen time for children should be limited to 30 minutes per day., Books are better than movies., Household chores should be compulsory., Children should choose subjects they learn at school..

Debate - Discussion Cards

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¿Restaurar actividad almacenada automáticamente: ?