Dextrinisation When foods containing ____ such as bread, cakes, scones, biscuits and pastry are cooked by ____ heat, they develop a ____ colour on the outside. Starch molecules get broken down into smaller groups of ____ molecules called ____. This alters ____ characteristics, such as colour, taste and smell. ____isation The process of heating ____ (sucrose) that is used in cooking. When a sugar has caramelised, we see changes to the ____, taste and colour. When sugar is heated, it melts, then forms a ____, then boils. Molecules of ____ start to break up. As heating continues, water ____ and syrup changes from colourless to ____ brown. Ideal temperature for caramel = 160-170oC. Still no stirring otherwise large ____ will form. Eventually it will ____ and become bitter as all of the water is evaporated. All you are left with ____. ____isation When starch granules are put into ____ water, they ____ to the bottom of the pan. When starch granules are put into water and ____, they start to absorb the water which causes them to ____ and get ____. When making a sauce, it will begin to ____, because there is less room for the swollen granules to move around. At 80oC, the starch granules are so swollen that they start to ____ and release the starch molecules into the ____. These released starch molecules form a ____ network that traps ____ molecules. At 100oC, the sauce completely ____. As the mixture ____ down, it creates a solid ____.

Chemical Functions of Carbohydrates

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