I'll see what I can find out myself., You could tell that Tom was in pain., I've spent a lot of time in casinos., We can depend on Tom to be punctual., I'm going to stay here and watch TV., Tom wouldn't let me buy him a drink., I'm going to head back to my office., Tom is the tallest guy in his class., I only have an hour before my shift., Tom is starting to get on my nerves., Why do you wear your hair like that?, Tom is roughly the same age as Mary., Didn't you get the money I sent you?, Tom is going to eat with us tonight., Where would you like me to meet you?, Tom has to learn to be more careful., Is there anything I can get for you?, Tom has done so much for us already., Is there anything we can do for you?, Tom has been in Boston way too long., Is there someone I can call for you?, Tom doesn't seem all that old to me., I was just as surprised as you were., Tom didn't seem too happy to see me., What do you plan to do next weekend?, Tom didn't have to explain it to me., Did you ever figure out what it was?, Tom and Mary split a bottle of wine., Would either of you like to join us?, Tom and I are never likely to agree., Do you have a place to stay tonight?, I thought Tom's plan was a good one., Do you really think I can't do this?, I need to buy some medicine for Tom., Do you really think you can do this?, I helped Tom even though I was busy., What do you intend to do about this?, I have to buy some medicine for Tom., Do you know how to use these things?, A lot of people are waiting for Tom., What am I supposed to do with these?, Tom has decided to take the day off., How am I going to compete with that?, Tom takes very good care of his car., What do you intend to do about that?, Tom was the first to enter the room., What am I supposed to do about that?, Tom doesn't want to talk to you now., Why is there no dinner on the table?, Tom earns three times as much as me.,
Wyzwanie - 5 000 zdań - Dzień 21z100 - angielskie zdania (7i8 słów) do ułożenia
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