That would be a total waste of time., Tom didn't know what Mary had to do., What are you trying to hide from me?, Tom asked me to read him some poems., What we need is a little more money., Tom asked me to lend him some money., What kind of bread do you like best?, Tom always seems to know what to do., I don't have an answer at this time., Tom shouted at the top of his lungs., I found the problem was easy to fix., Do you know a man named Tom Jackson?, You don't have to tell me your name., Tom would like to have one of those., We have a lot of things to consider., Tom won't let us sing with his band., I'd never repeat that if I were you., Tom was married to Mary at the time., I used to get good grades in French., Tom seems to know who that woman is., I think we need to change our plans., Do you have any idea why Tom helped?, I think it's time for an oil change., Do you think Tom will agree to help?, I feel like I'm close to a solution., How did you persuade Tom to help us?, I can't do all of this without help., I offered to lend some money to Tom., I wonder if my life is worth living., The boy sitting on the bench is Tom., A piece of paper fell on the ground., We want to do something to help Tom., I don't have anything to say to you., The bus driver looks a lot like Tom., We can't bury our heads in the sand., Look at all the damage Tom has done., This looks like a good spot to camp., I just had to ask Tom that question., This is not something I am proud of., I told Tom I'd be home this evening., I told you this was going to happen., I wanted to buy a painting from Tom., I could never do that sort of thing., Tom had no idea who Mary was dating., I still don't know what I should do., Tom had no idea who Mary was seeing., We'll have to do better from now on., I wish Tom could stay here all week., I've already said too much as it is., We're lucky to have Tom on our team.,
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