1) The name of Perseus' grandfather was: a) Polydectes b) Acrisius c) Aegeus d) Eurystheus e) Serapis f) Derek 2) The name of Perseus' mother was: a) Danae b) Daynais c) Io d) Phaedra e) Susan 3) To stop her ever having children, the king locked his daughter in: a) a golden tower b) a wooden tower c) an iron box d) a silver tower e) a bronze tower f) an iron maiden 4) Which god, visited her there, disguised as what? a) Zeus b) Apollo c) Hermes d) a rainbow e) a shower of rain f) a shower of gold 5) When he found out about the baby, the king ordered his slaves to: a) throw them out of the tower window b) kill them on the spot c) put them in a wicker basket in the sea d) put them in a wooden chest in the sea e) decorate the palace with bunting 6) Eventually, Danae and Perseus floated to the island of: a) Crete b) Seraphos c) Argos d) Naxos e) Sicily f) Wight 7) They were found and looked after by: a) Croesus, a humble villager b) Polydectes, a noble goatherd c) Dictys, a kindly fisherman d) Aeschylus, a poor poet 8) When Perseus was a young man, his mother was persued by the wicked king of the island: a) Polydectes b) Polyphemus c) Dictys d) Acrisius e) Aeschylus f) Brian 9) The king wanted to get rid of Perseus, so he staged a fake - a) funeral b) festival c) sports competition d) wedding e) birthday party f) bar mitzvah 10) - and asked all the young men to provide him with a gift, the equivalent value of a: a) horse b) house c) sword d) his weight in gold e) a golden fleece f) a ferrari 11) Perseus was too poor to afford this and the other young men: a) pitied him b) offered to help him c) mocked him 12) Hightly embarrassed, Perseus offered to fetch the king: a) the golden fleece b) the head of Medusa c) his weight in gold d) whatever he wanted e) the winged sandals of Hermes 13) Perseus had fallen into the trap! the king asked for the head of Medusa, hoping that: a) Perseus would be turned to stone b) Perseus would fail and come back humiliated c) Perseus would not come back at all d) Perseus would bring him the head for a Christmas decoration 14) Fortunately two gods were ready to help Perseus: a) Zeus and Athena b) Athena and Artemis c) Hermes and Zeus d) Zeus and Hera e) Athena and Hermes f) Poseidon and Jesus 15) Hermes gave him: a) a sharp sickle and winged sandals b) winged sandals and a potion c) a potion and a sharp sickle d) a mirrored shield e) a lightning bolt 16) Athena gave him: a) her helmet b) her spear c) her mirrored shield d) a sharp sickle e) a useful book 17) Athena also told him he needed advice from the Graeae who were: a) 3 old women with one eye between them b) 3 beautiful women with one eye between them c) 3 old witches d) 5 old women with one eye between them e) 3 blind women f) 3 young women with 6 eyes between them 18) The Graeae would not help him out of kindness, so Perseus stole their: a) tooth b) eye c) crystal ball d) magic book e) potion f) Man United poster 19) The Graeae told him where to find Medusa and also: a) Zeus' lightning bold b) Athena's mirrored shield c) Poseidon's trident d) Hades' helmet of darkness e) Hera's peacock f) a horse to give to the king 20) When he found the home of the Gorgons, Medusa was: a) not there b) asleep c) cooking d) crying e) reading 21) Invisible thanks to the helmet, Perseus crept forward, looking at the reflection in the shield, and: a) hit her over the head b) cut her head off with an axe c) stabbed her with a sword d) cut her head off with a sickle e) was bitten by a snake f) ran away 22) He then put her head in a bag and escaped. Why couldn't Medusa's sisters catch him? a) he flew too quickly on the winged sandals b) they didn't know he was there c) they were too busy crying d) she didn't have any sisters 23) What sprang fully formed from Medusa's body? a) another Gorgon b) a huge serpent c) a winged horse d) just blood e) a sea monster 24) On his way home Perseus was surprised to see a beautiful girl: a) chained to a rock by the sea b) waving to him from a bronze tower c) being forced into a labyrith d) climbing out of a wooden horse e) just, you know, in general 25) The girl was about to be fed to a monster as punishement for the hubris of her parents. Her name was: a) Ariadne b) Phaedra c) Danae d) Pandora e) Andromeda f) Jennifer 26) Perseus resued Andromeda and returned home. He found the king in the palace and: a) greeted him as an equal b) concussed him with the shield c) turned him to stone with the head of Medusa d) went in for a man hug

Perseus Quiz

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